Photographer Bob Carey's Artistic Statement About Cancer In A Pink Tutu

By Paul Glader

Bob Carey and his wife, Linda, will be in Berlin next week shooting a photo of Bob wearing almost nothing but a pink tutu in front of the Brandenburg Gate.

A fine art and ad industry photographer, Carey has made the pink tutu his trademark. It's taken him and Linda around the U.S. and, now, world on a mission both creative and meaningful. A few years ago, Bob was my neighbor in Greenpoint, Brooklyn, and we met via our mutual photographer friend, Denny Renshaw. I was a little puzzled by the early stages of the Tutu project Bob was describing.

What started as an off-beat art photography idea developed different meaning when Linda was diagnosed with breast cancer. The stark photos of landscapes with Bob's 200-pound frame in a pink tutu, serve as a sort of avatar. The images evoke emotions such as joy, bliss and happiness to other that evoke words like forlorn, sorrow and brokenness. These are visual representations of what I imagine a cancer diagnosis might inflict not just on its victim but on a family or a relationship.

Linda says the project became a way for Bob to cope with the tragic disease that struck her and their relationship. She's had a mastectomy and is on regular chemotherapy treatments. The project cheered her up. A man in a pink tutu shooting photos of himself has "high entertainment value" Linda says in a video about their work.

Bob says the project has an edge in that people sometimes "look at it and think there is something wrong: a big man in a tutu." Some feel he shouldn't be doing this. Police have shown up on 15 or so of his shoots. He's never been arrested, though that possibility came close during a shoot at the Port Authority of New Jersey.

Bob and Linda made an art book of the photos (with an essay by Linda) that has sold 5,000 copies so far at $50 a piece. Book sales, print sales and other fundraising efforts go to their foundation and helping women and families during their cancer treatment. The project has been featured in The New York Daily News, NBC's Today Show and many other media. Top brands such as Bloomingdales, the NFL, The American Ballet Theatre and Deutsche Telekom have either donated to the project or partnered with Bob and Linda. Next week in Berlin, Deutsche Telekom will be filming a video about the project with DDB Tribal in Berlin.

I re-connected with Bob and Linda recently and asked them more about the creativity and leadership themes involved with their project:

Q - How did this idea begin and what was the first tutu photo you took?

Bob - In the Fall of 2002 I was asked to shoot a project for Ballet Arizona. They asked me to translate, in a photograph, what ballet meant to me. At the time, I was working on a body of B&W self-portraits and decided to do something using the same style. My work has always been about transforming myself into something that I'm not so I went with the concept of a ballerina. I choose the color pink only because of its tone in B&W.

Q - When and how did this project become about breast cancer?

Bob - Linda and I moved to Brooklyn in April of 2003 and I continued to shoot self-portraits in the tutu. Linda was diagnosed with breast cancer in December of that year and the tutu became a means, sort of self-therapy to deal with the situation. It really wasn't until Linda had a re-occurrence in December of 2006 that it became about breast cancer. She'd take the photos in to share with the other women undergoing chemotherapy. They loved them. They [the photos] made them laugh and it helped pass their time during treatment with a bit of fun.

Q) Why has it resonated with brands such as Deutsche Telekom and Bloomingdales?

Bob - With Deutsche Telekom, it is cause marketing. People and brands are very interested in sharing good stories. That's what this campaign is about. It's a real soft sell. They just wanted a feel good story. We were already fairly popular in Germany because we had done some interviews with one of the major TV stations there. As far as Bloomingdales goes, I think it's about their philanthropy. When we were on the Today show last year, our first call when we got home was from a senior vice president of PR from Bloomingdales. They do a lot of fund-raising. They have 5 or 6 charities they give money to. The story was different from what is out there. It has hope and inspiration.

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