Cancer has taken my dear friend Rory

By Clare Balding

PUBLISHED: 17:01 EST, 7 December 2013 | UPDATED: 17:01 EST, 7 December 2013

Clare Balding fears she may face another battle with cancer in future despite receiving the all-clear from the disease three years ago. The broadcaster, who fronted last year's Olympics coverage, was diagnosed with thyroid cancer in 2009. She underwent surgery to remove her thyroid gland, followed by radiotherapy. But although she worries that the disease may return, she has vowed to 'deal with it differently next time'. Interviewed on Radio  4's Desert Island Discs last week, Balding admitted that she dealt with her diagnosis by 'pretending it wasn't happening'. She is now fronting a Tree of Light campaign run by Macmillan Cancer Support in memory of those affected by the disease. She is dedicating her bauble for the tree to Radio  4's Rory Morrison, who died this year from Waldenstrom's Macroglobulinemia, a form of non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Rory worked alongside Balding's partner Alice Arnold at the station. Here, in an exclusive account, Balding talks about her struggle with cancer and why she is supporting the Tree of Light campaign...

I was one of the lucky ones. I had cancer and, as far as the tests show, it has gone. Mine was a relatively rare one - thyroid cancer.

Three operations and two doses of radioactive iodine in a lead-lined room later and it's part of my past. I didn't even know what the thyroid did until it was gone.

Now I take 200mg of thyroxine a day to replace the metabolic job it did.

I am fully aware that cancer may yet play a part in my future and I think I will deal with it differently next time.

For one thing, I will talk about it with my family and friends, and let them talk about it too. I hadn't realised until Kirsty Young asked me about it on Desert Island Discs how much I had blocked people out. It was my way of dealing with it all.

I know my partner Alice was hugely helped by the information she got from the British Thyroid Association and from Macmillan Cancer Support, which has a room at Charing Cross Hospital in London.

In the room you can find leaflets containing information about all the questions you may have, and a friendly face to talk to you about your concerns.

More than one in three of us will get cancer and it is never easy to either hear those words or to face up to the treatment ahead.

It's hard for the person who's got cancer but, in many ways, I think it's just as hard for those who love you.

That's where Macmillan comes in. Its team can be with you and your loved ones every step of the way. Macmillan provides the nurses and therapists; the experts on the end of the phone; the advisers telling you which benefits you are entitled to; and the volunteers giving you a hand with everyday life, the stuff that becomes impossible when you are ill.

I want to do what I can to make sure that other people recognise their own symptoms and get an early diagnosis, as that's the first step towards getting cured of cancer.

That's the medical side and it's crucial, but I also want to make everyone aware that there is also help in dealing with the emotional and the practical side of having cancer.

So I'm off to put a bauble on a Christmas tree. That won't change the world, you may think, but this is no ordinary Christmas tree and this is no ordinary bauble.

Energy firm npower has teamed up with Macmillan to create the Tree of Light, a giant 30ft-high Christmas tree in London's Covent Garden.

The idea is that this Christmas you can dedicate a bauble on the tree to someone in your life that has been affected by cancer.

' My bauble celebrates Rory but also the tremendous bravery of his family who are having to learn to cope. This will be their first Christmas without him.'

If you can't make it to the tree itself, you can still make your dedication and donation online.

I'm going to dedicate my bauble to Rory Morrison. Rory was not much older than me, but he wasn't as lucky.

His cancer was not easily treated and it was a nasty, aggressive, and ultimately fatal, lymphoma. He died this summer at the age of 48.

Rory was a Radio  4 announcer and newsreader, known to millions for his beautiful voice and effortless style on the radio.

The Radio  4 team are a close bunch, and to Alice - who worked alongside him at the station - Rory was family.

In April 2008, I recorded an episode of Ramblings, my Radio  4 walking programme, with Rory and the continuity team at Herstmonceux in East Sussex, the former site of the Royal Greenwich Observatory, where Greenwich Mean Time was 'stored' and accurately transmitted to the BBC.

We called the walk 'pilgrimage to the pips', in honour of the continuity team's skill of talking up to - but not over - the six pips that go out on the hour on Radio  4.

Rory talked about the type of cancer he had, Waldenstrom's Macroglobulinemia, and he finished the programme, giving the closing credits in his warm and wonderful way.

Rory leaves behind Honor and Reuben, his children, and his beautiful wife Nikki. We hold Rory very dearly in our memories and in our conversation.

My bauble celebrates Rory but also the tremendous bravery of his family who are having to learn to cope. This will be their first Christmas without him.

Macmillan always puts the people affected by cancer at the very heart of its work. Its work is primarily about people, not the disease. Staff listen to what people need and do what they can to meet those needs.

Donations make up 98 per cent of Macmillan's income and the charity simply couldn't do what it does without vital help from us.

Everyone can donate and make a dedication. We want our tree to be a beacon of light - full of baubles to celebrate the people we love and to acknowledge the fantastic work that Macmillan does in supporting those affected by cancer.

You can come and hang your bauble in person, or you can send your messages online at and they will appear like a miracle on the tree for everyone to see.

I'll be there on Tuesday, December 10, to unveil the Tree of Light, and hope to see as many of you there as possible.

The Macmillan Tree of Light, powered by npower, will be opened to the public by Clare Balding at 4pm on Tuesday, December 10. Following the launch, the Tree of Light will be open every day from 11am to 9pm until Christmas Eve.

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